Summer Session II 2023 Credit Course Offerings
31 courses with 33 sections offered in Summer Session II 2023
CHEM-221Organic Chemistry I
5 Credits
The preparation, properties, and reactions of the more important classes of carbon compounds are studied in this lecture and laboratory course. Emphasis is on reaction mechanisms, stereochemistry, and functional group characteristics. The laboratory stresses synthetic methods and techniques. Compounds are analyzed using classical and instrumental methods.
- Prerequisites
- CHEM122 (C or better), or CHEM220 (C or better), or a grade of B+ or better in both CHEM101 and CHEM102
- Additional Fees
- View current fees
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Face-To-Face | Newtown Campus June 12, 2023 - August 11, 2023 June 12, 2023 - August 11, 2023 June 12, 2023 - August 11, 2023 June 12, 2023 - August 11, 2023 | Fealy RFaculty Syllabus |
College Readiness
COLL-101Orientation to College
1 Credit
Through self-exploration and interaction with classmates, faculty, and college representatives, the orientation course helps students identify their goals and make a smooth transition to the college community. Students gain knowledge of the college's resources, services, policies, and procedures, and develop a success plan.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | June 12, 2023 - August 11, 2023 | Burger JFaculty Syllabus |
Computer Information Science
CISC-100Digital Literacy
3 Credits
A hands-on course for non-majors dealing with personal computers in a wide variety of settings. Topics include: basic computer concepts, computer hardware, operating systems, the Internet, online safety and security, email, computer applications including word processors, spreadsheets, presentation graphics, databases, and the impact of computers on society.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | June 12, 2023 - August 11, 2023 | Geoghan DFaculty Syllabus |
CISC-110Introduction to Information Systems
3 Credits
This course provides an overview of business information systems. Topics include hardware and software fundamentals, use of software packages, effective use of networks, Internet, and other communication tools, the design of management information systems, as well as the ethical use of computers in business and society. Hands-on experience is provided.
- Prerequisites
- Reading Placement test score Level 3 or READ110 (C or better) or COMP108 (C or better) or permission of the Department of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
- Additional Fees
- View current fees
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
NO TEXTBOOK PURCHASE REQUIRED. | Online | June 12, 2023 - August 11, 2023 | Johnstone BFaculty Syllabus |
CISC-115Computer Science I
4 Credits
This is a first course for computer science students providing an introduction to the use and impact of computers, numbering systems, data representations, the fundamentals of structured programming, and problem solving through the use of logic design tools. Students develop programs using an object-oriented programming language.
- Prerequisites
- MATH095 (C or better) or Math Placement Test score of 5 or higher
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | June 12, 2023 - August 11, 2023 | B. ValersteinFaculty Syllabus |
GEOG-110World Geography
3 Credits
This thematic survey helps students understand the contemporary world through an analysis of physical/environmental and cultural regions around the world. Students examine problems of social and technological change, political geographic disputes, and human-environmental interaction.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | June 12, 2023 - August 11, 2023 | Metcalf, MatthewFaculty Syllabus |
History/Historic Preservation
HIST-114Global History: Modern World
3 Credits
This course is a survey and critical examination of global history in which students explore the social, political, religious, economic, intellectual, and artistic achievements of the major human civilizations from roughly 1500 C.E. to the present.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | June 12, 2023 - August 11, 2023 | Herzog JFaculty Syllabus |
HIST-290History Seminar
3 Credits
In this capstone course students analyze issues and topics in American, Western and/or World history through a heavy focus on historical research, writing, presentation, and defense. Consequently, major topics include the techniques and methodologies of cultural, economic, political, and social history.
- Prerequisites
- COMP111 (C or better) and 12 credit hours in HIST (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | June 12, 2023 - August 11, 2023 | Totten JFaculty Syllabus |
Independent Study
INDP-290Independent Study
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | June 12, 2023 - August 11, 2023 | Sedik DFaculty Syllabus |
MATH-095Basic Algebra
3 Credits
This is an introductory course in Algebra. Topics include operations with numerical and algebraic expressions, solving linear and absolute value equations and inequalities; factoring polynomials, solving quadratic equations, and graphing linear equations and inequalities. Study skills are also emphasized. Transferability is determined by transfer institution.
- Prerequisites
- Math Placement Test score of 3 or MATH090 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | June 12, 2023 - August 11, 2023 | Howe MFaculty Syllabus |
MATH-103Intermediate Algebra
3 Credits
This course provides a preparation for more advanced study in mathematics and related fields. Topics include simplifying algebraic, rational, and radical expressions; solving quadratic, rational, radical, absolute value, exponential, and logarithmic equations; solving compound and absolute value inequalities, and graphing functions.
- Prerequisites
- Math Placement Test score of 5 or MATH095 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | June 12, 2023 - August 11, 2023 | Ciccimaro JFaculty Syllabus |
MATH-115Elementary Statistics
3 Credits
This course is primarily for business, science, liberal arts, and education majors. Topics studied include descriptive measures for empirical data, theory of probability, probability distributions, sampling distributions of statistics from large and small samples, estimation theory, hypothesis testing, correlation, and regression.
- Prerequisites
- Math Placement Test score of 7 or higher or MATH101 (C or better) or MATH103 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | June 12, 2023 - August 11, 2023 | R. RamjeeFaculty Syllabus |
MATH-118Business Calculus
3 Credits
This is an introduction to basic calculus with emphasis on applications to business, economics, management, information science, and related fields. Topics include relations and functions, limits, continuity, derivatives, techniques of differentiation, chain rule, applications of differentiation, antiderivatives, the definite integral, the fundamental theorem of calculus, and applications of integration.
- Prerequisites
- Math Placement Test score of 8 or higher or MATH117 (C or better) or MATH120 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | June 12, 2023 - August 11, 2023 | Termine JFaculty Syllabus |
MATH-120College Algebra
4 Credits
This course is designed to strengthen and increase the understanding of basic algebraic concepts before a student undertakes advanced study in mathematics. Topics include algebra of the real numbers, algebraic, exponential, and logarithmic functions and their graphs, systems of equations, inequalities, and absolute value.
- Prerequisites
- Math Placement Test score of 7 or higher or MATH103 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | June 12, 2023 - August 11, 2023 | R. RamjeeFaculty Syllabus |
4 Credits
This course introduces the foundations of analysis designed to precede the calculus sequence with emphasis on functions and graphs. Topics include properties of absolute value, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions, techniques for solving equations and inequalities, and an introduction to the concept of limits and the difference quotient.
- Prerequisites
- MATH Placement Test score of 9 or MATH122 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | June 12, 2023 - August 11, 2023 | Buck SFaculty Syllabus |
MATH-140Calculus I
4 Credits
This is the first course in the calculus sequence for physical science, business, computer science, mathematics and engineering students. Topics include: limits, the rate of change of a function, derivatives of algebraic and trigonometric functions, applications of derivatives, integration, and applications of the definite integral.
- Prerequisites
- Math Placement Test score of 11 or MATH125 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | June 12, 2023 - August 11, 2023 | Bolton MFaculty Syllabus |
MATH-141Calculus II
4 Credits
This course is a continuation of Math 140. Topics include differentiation and integration of transcendental functions, indeterminate forms, methods of integration, improper integrals, infinite series, parametric equations, and polar coordinates.
- Prerequisites
- MATH140 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | June 12, 2023 - August 11, 2023 | Martin LFaculty Syllabus |
| Online | June 12, 2023 - August 11, 2023 | Martin LFaculty Syllabus |
MATH-215Elementary Statistics II
3 Credits
This course is a continuation of MATH115 and is designed primarily for business, economics, and management students. Topics include decision-making procedures in business and related fields that include ANOVA, simple and multiple regression, correlation, time series, forecasting, index numbers, total quality management, and nonparametric methods.
- Prerequisites
- MATH115 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
52% of this course is delivered online (asynchronously). | Canvas And Zoom |
| L. BullardFaculty Syllabus |
Medical Assistant
MEDA-120Medical Terminology
3 Credits
This introductory course in medical terminology focuses on accurate spelling and pronunciation of terms and building knowledge of basic medical vocabulary with an emphasis on prefixes, suffixes, roots, and combining vowels. Anatomical, physiological, and pathological terminology are covered and applied in the context of electronic health records.
- Prerequisites
- Reading Level score of 2 or higher
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | June 12, 2023 - August 11, 2023 | C. CardillaFaculty Syllabus |
PHYS-106Physics A
4 Credits
This lecture and laboratory course provides a non-calculus study of the fundamental laws and properties of matter, mechanics, heat, and sound. This course places emphasis on the mathematical solution of problems based on an understanding of the underlying physical phenomena.
- Prerequisites
- MATH120 (C or better) or Math Placement Test score of 8 or higher
- Additional Fees
- View current fees
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | June 12, 2023 - August 11, 2023 | Ramacciotti CFaculty Syllabus |
PHYS-121Physics I
4 Credits
This lecture and laboratory course provides a rigorous introduction to classical physics designed specifically for engineering and science majors. Topics include: SI units, vector mathematics, kinematics, dynamics, work and energy, momentum, gravitation, rigid body dynamics, angular momentum, elastic properties of solids, fluid dynamics, vibrational dynamics, and mechanical waves.
- Prerequisites
- MATH140 (C or better)
- Additional Fees
- View current fees
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | June 12, 2023 - August 11, 2023 | L. GregaFaculty Syllabus |
PHYS-122Physics II
4 Credits
This lecture and laboratory course continues a rigorous introduction to classical physics designed specifically for engineering and science majors. Topics include: electric forces and fields, potential and potential energy, capacitors, direct current and transient circuits, magnetic forces and fields, electromagnetic induction, inductors, photons, geometric and physical optics.
- Prerequisites
- PHYS121 (C or better)
- Additional Fees
- View current fees
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | June 12, 2023 - August 11, 2023 | Delahanty FFaculty Syllabus |
PSYC-105Introduction to Group Dynamics
3 Credits
This course focuses on the communication behavior of individuals within group structures. Didactic and experiential techniques are used to explore the stages of group development, decision-making techniques, group problems and problem solving, resolution skills, norms, structures, leadership, authority, membership, ethics, cultural sensitivity, and the intra-and inter-personal dynamics within small groups.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
50% of this class is delivered online (asynchronously). | Canvas And Zoom |
| Marseglia DFaculty Syllabus |
PSYC-110Introduction to Psychology
3 Credits
Introduction to Psychology is the scientific study of the psychological factors which influence the behavior of individual organisms, both animal and human.
- Prerequisites
- Reading Placement Test score Level 3 or READ110 (C or better) or COMP108 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | June 12, 2023 - August 11, 2023 | Hemko-Alloway PFaculty Syllabus |
PSYC-180Human Growth and Development
3 Credits
This course is a survey of development and growth from conception through adolescence. The physical, emotional, intellectual, and social processes of maturation are examined. Emphasis is on the adjustment of the individual to his or her peer group, social institutions, the community, and the home.
- Prerequisites
- PSYC110 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | June 12, 2023 - August 11, 2023 | Gross DFaculty Syllabus |
Public Safety (PUBS)
PUBS-280Emergency Management Internship
3 Credits
Students conduct field work directly related to their academic preparation and career objectives. The major areas of focus include partaking in actual field work, observing real-life situations of the working professional and his/her clients, and comparing academic theory to field work observations.
- Prerequisites
- Successful completion of at least twenty-one (21) credit hours in Emergency Management (PUBS), Fire Science (FRSC), and Management (MGMT) or permission of the Department of Business, Innovation, and Legal Studies and a GPA of 2.5 earned at Bucks County Community College
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Zoom | Wurster EFaculty Syllabus |
RADI-301Patient Care in MRI
3 Credits
This course provides the basic concepts of patient care as well as ethical and legal considerations. The screening, safety and application protocols for MRI Imaging are discussed. Students review basic concepts of venipuncture, administration of contrast and agents and discuss the appropriate delivery of patient care during contrast procedures.
- Prerequisites
- Admission to the MRI program
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | June 12, 2023 - August 11, 2023 | L. JiwanmallFaculty Syllabus |
RADI-306Procedures in MRI
3 Credits
This course focuses on MRI examination preparation, patient positioning, protocol considerations, imaging planes, contrast media usage, patient education and safety as they pertain to the field of MRI. Students review MRI images for pathological considerations, quality, anatomy and physiology.
- Prerequisites
- Admission to the MRI program
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | June 12, 2023 - August 11, 2023 | L. JiwanmallFaculty Syllabus |
RADI-311MRI Clinical Practicum I
2 Credits
This course provides students with clinical education experience in magnetic resonance imaging and assists students in achieving competency with the American Registry of Radiologic Technologist’ clinical education requirements for certification in magnetic resonance imaging.
- Prerequisites
- Admission to the MRI program
- Additional Fees
- View current fees
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Face-To-Face | Off-Campus June 12, 2023 - August 11, 2023 | K. TiegsFaculty Syllabus |
| Face-To-Face | Off-Campus June 12, 2023 - August 11, 2023 | L. JiwanmallFaculty Syllabus |
Science: General
SCIE-103Physical Geology
4 Credits
This lecture and laboratory course introduces the basic principles and processes of geology. Emphasis is on a wide range of topics, including rocks and minerals, topographic maps, surface processes, hydrologic systems, plate tectonics, the earth’s interior, and the application of entrepreneurial skills to assessment of a geologic or environmental hazard.
- Prerequisites
- Reading Placement Test score Level 3 or READ110 (C or better) or COMP108 (C or better); and Math Placement Test score of 5 or higher or MATH095 (C or better)
- Additional Fees
- View current fees
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | June 12, 2023 - August 11, 2023 | Ramacciotti CFaculty Syllabus |
Sports Management
SPMT-280Sport Management Internship
3 Credits
The student is required to perform 180 hours of internship at an affiliated training site. An attempt is made to match sites to the intern's professional interests and career goals. Periodic meetings between the College Coordinator and the student are held to review actual experience and observation.
- Prerequisites
- Permission of the Assistant Academic Dean of the HPEN Department. Must have completed all sport management Core courses with a 2.5 GPA in those courses.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Hybrid (Face-To-Face + Online) | Off-Campus | Sullivan LFaculty Syllabus |