Summer Session III 2021 Credit Course Offerings
111 courses with 154 sections offered in Summer Session III 2021
ACCT-103Introductory Accounting
3 Credits
This course provides an introduction to the principles and concepts of financial accounting. This course focuses on bookkeeping and accounting procedures through the accounting cycle for service and merchandising businesses, including special journals. This course presumes no previous knowledge of accounting.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Toland JFaculty Syllabus |
ACCT-105Financial Accounting
4 Credits
This course provides an introduction to the objectives, principles, assumptions and concepts of financial accounting. It focuses on procedures and practices from the accounting cycle through financial statement presentation with an emphasis on recognizing, valuing, reporting, and disclosing assets, liabilities, and equity. This course presumes no previous accounting knowledge.
- Prerequisites
- ACCT103 (C or better) or READ110 (C or better) or COMP108 (C or better) or Reading Placement Test score Level 3
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Grady LFaculty Syllabus |
ACCT-106Managerial Accounting
4 Credits
This course introduces students to the concepts and applications of managerial accounting. Students focus on analysis and recording of various manufacturing costs, cost-volume-profit analysis, preparation of financial statements for a manufacturer, creation of static and flexible budgets and reports, evaluation of capital investments, and various costing systems.
- Prerequisites
- ACCT105 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Toland JFaculty Syllabus |
American Sign Language
AMSL-110American Sign Language I
3 Credits
In this introduction to American Sign Language, students develop visual receptive skills, with a focus on visual memory, visual discrimination, and gestural expressive skills, and learn basic ASL vocabulary and grammatical structures. This course introduces students to the American Deaf Community as a linguistic and cultural minority.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Zoom |
| Fitzpatrick CFaculty Syllabus |
AMSL-111American Sign Language II
3 Credits
This course continues the work begun in AMSL110; students develop visual receptive skills, with a focus on visual memory, visual discrimination, and gestural expressive skills, and learn basic ASL vocabulary and grammatical structures. Students further their association with the American Deaf Community as a linguistic and cultural minority.
- Prerequisites
- AMSL110 (C or better) or permission of the Department of Language and Literature
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Zoom |
| Keck WFaculty Syllabus |
Arabic (ARBC)
ARBC-111Elementary Arabic II
3 Credits
This interactive course builds on the instruction from ARBC110. Students continue to acquire basic knowledge in the reading, pronunciation, writing, and understanding of basic Arabic words and phrases. Cultural background is included.
- Prerequisites
- ARBC110 (C or better) or equivalent or by permission of the Department of Language and Literature
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | V. VarraFaculty Syllabus |
BIOL-101Biological Science I
4 Credits
This course is an introduction to processes common to all living organisms. Science and the scientific method are described. Topics include: cell structure, energy transfer in plants and animals, classical genetics, molecular genetics, genetic engineering, and evolution. This course does not meet the curriculum requirements for biology majors.
- Prerequisites
- Reading Level 3 or READ110 (C or better) or permission of the Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics; Math Level 5 or higher or MATH095 (C or better); Writing Level 4 or COMP090 (C or better) or COMP108 (C or better)
- Additional Fees
- View current fees
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Heeney-Stemple BFaculty Syllabus |
This course is taught 50.13% online | Canvas And Zoom |
| Babaian CFaculty Syllabus |
BIOL-115Basic Human Anatomy
3 Credits
This course is a study of human anatomy which develops a basic understanding of the structure and function of body organs and systems and their interactions. Other topics include nutrition, metabolism, and growth and development.
- Prerequisites
Reading Level 3 or higher, or READ110 (C or better) or permission of the Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics; and Math Level 5 or higher or MATH095 (C or better), and Writing Level 4 or higher or COMP090 (C or better) or COMP108 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Heeney-Stemple BFaculty Syllabus |
BIOL-122Biological Principles II
4 Credits
This course is a continuation of BIOL121 and focuses on comparative studies of plant and animal systems within an evolutionary framework. Additional topics include evolutionary theory, the tempo and mechanisms of evolution, speciation, population genetics, macro and microevolution, the evolutionary history of biological diversity and classification and ecology.
- Prerequisites
- BIOL121 (C or better)
- Additional Fees
- View current fees
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Phillips PFaculty Syllabus |
BIOL-181Human Anatomy and Physiology I
4 Credits
This course introduces the study of the human body and the basic structure of cells, tissues, and organs. Topics include the structure and function of the integumentary, muscular, nervous, and skeletal systems.
- Prerequisites
- Reading Level 3 or READ110 (C or better)
- Additional Fees
- View current fees
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Afshar AFaculty Syllabus |
| Zoom |
| P. TrivediFaculty Syllabus |
BIOL-182Human Anatomy and Physiology II
4 Credits
This course, a continuation of Human Anatomy and Physiology I, studies the structure and function of the cardiovascular, lymphatic, immune, digestive, endocrine, excretory, nervous, reproductive, and respiratory systems, as well as human development and genetics.
- Prerequisites
- BIOL181 (C or better)
- Additional Fees
- View current fees
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Afshar AFaculty Syllabus |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Webb KFaculty Syllabus |
This course is taught 49.89% online | Canvas And Zoom |
| Latronica AFaculty Syllabus |
This course is taught 47.44% online | Canvas And Zoom |
| A. KhushmanFaculty Syllabus |
| Zoom |
| T. YoussefFaculty Syllabus |
4 Credits
This course includes a study of viruses, protozoa, algae, fungi and with special emphasis, bacteria. Laboratories incorporate the preparation of cultures and use of aseptic laboratory techniques, stains and biochemical activity for identification of organisms. The relationship of microbes to health and disease are also studied.
- Prerequisites
- BIOL121 (C or better) or BIOL181 (C or better).
- Additional Fees
- View current fees
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
This course is taught 41.33% online | Canvas And Zoom |
| A. IppolitoFaculty Syllabus |
This course is taught 63.33% online | Canvas And Zoom |
| Goshorn SFaculty Syllabus |
CHEM-101Chemistry A
4 Credits
This lecture and laboratory course examines basic principles of general and organic chemistry. Topics include nature of matter, measurement, dimensional analysis, atomic structure, bonding, properties of gases, liquids, solids, and solutions, chemical reactions, acids and bases, hydrocarbons, functional groups, radiochemistry, and nomenclature. Knowledge of arithmetic and basic algebra is essential.
- Prerequisites
- Prerequisites: MATH095 (C or better) or Math Placement Test score of 5 or higher
- Additional Fees
- View current fees
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Zoom |
| Sheppard aFaculty Syllabus |
CHEM-122Chemistry II
4 Credits
This lecture and laboratory course is a continuation of CHEM121. Topics include molecular shape, chemical reactions, properties of liquids and solids and changes of state, solutions, reaction kinetics, chemical equilibrium, thermodynamics, and electrochemistry. Equilibrium topics include gaseous reactions, the ionization of weak acids and bases, hydrolysis of salts, and buffers.
- Prerequisites
- CHEM121 (C or better)
- Additional Fees
- View current fees
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
This course is taught 12% online | Hybrid (Face-To-Face + Zoom) | Newtown Campus July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | W. SmithFaculty Syllabus |
This course is taught 12% online | Hybrid (Face-To-Face + Zoom) | Newtown Campus July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | W. SmithFaculty Syllabus |
CHNS-111Elementary Chinese II
3 Credits
In this continuation of CHNS110, students continue to learn more basics of understanding, speaking, reading, and writing Chinese. Oral proficiency, correct pronunciation, listening comprehension, and grammatical accuracy are all stressed, as well as the cultural and historical backgrounds of Chinese-speaking countries.
- Prerequisites
- CHNS110 (C or better) or equivalent or permission of the Department of Language and Literature
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Zoom |
| A. FedunFaculty Syllabus |
College Readiness
COLL-101Orientation to College
1 Credit
Through self-exploration and interaction with classmates, faculty, and college representatives, the orientation course helps students identify their goals and make a smooth transition to the college community. Students gain knowledge of the college's resources, services, policies, and procedures, and develop a success plan.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
Uses Canvas; No textbook purchase is required. Specific course details: | Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Jakub SFaculty Syllabus |
Uses Canvas; No textbook purchase is required. Specific course details: | Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Sullivan LFaculty Syllabus |
No Textbook Purchase Required | Canvas And Zoom |
| A. EubankFaculty Syllabus |
COLL-105Strategic Learning Seminar
1 Credit
This strategic learning course provides students with a comprehensive approach to learning that integrates study techniques and self-management strategies to facilitate academic success in college.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
No Textbook Purchase Required | Hybrid (Face-To-Face + Online) | Newtown Campus | M. PiersonFaculty Syllabus |
Communication Studies
COMM-110Effective Speaking
3 Credits
This course provides students with an introduction to the fundamentals of rhetoric and how they are applied in oral communication, and how these principles and concepts lead to effective public speaking. Students learn how to prepare, arrange, and deliver a variety of presentations for an audience. Emphasis is placed on the research process, organizational patterns, audience analysis, and types of presentational aids.
- Prerequisites
- Writing Placement Test score of 6 or better or COMP107 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | S. BennettFaculty Syllabus |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | S. BennettFaculty Syllabus |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Queeney SFaculty Syllabus |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | T. BruhnFaculty Syllabus |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Altemose RFaculty Syllabus |
| Zoom |
| D. BradyFaculty Syllabus |
| Zoom |
| King LFaculty Syllabus |
COMM-111Media and Society
3 Credits
Students examine the relationships between technology, industries, content, and users active in modern media. All students, particularly those who specialize in communication, multimedia, and journalism, build skills in media analysis, research, and writing through this college-level course.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Queeney SFaculty Syllabus |
COMP-090Basic Writing
3 Credits
By writing short compositions, through a process of pre-writing, drafting, revising, and editing, students improve both grammar and usage and composition development and organization. Course readings serve as sources and models for writing. This course prepares students for subsequent composition courses.
- Prerequisites
- Writing Placement Test score of 2 or AESL101 (C or better) or permission of the Department of Language and Literature
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
Meets weekly on Mondays at Newtown beginning on July 12. Meets via Zoom on Wednesdays at 8:30am to 12:20pm beginning July 7. | Hybrid (Face-To-Face + Zoom) | Newtown Campus July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Raimondo PFaculty Syllabus |
COMP-107Introduction to Academic Writing
3 Credits
To prepare students for COMP110, this course emphasizes paragraph development in academic, text-based essay assignments. Instructors guide students through the writing process, which requires critical thinking and decision-making in the use of evidence, sources, and rhetorical modes for effective paragraphs and essays.
- Prerequisites
- Writing Placement Test score of 4 or better or COMP090 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Diamond JFaculty Syllabus |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Quigley YFaculty Syllabus |
Meets weekly on Mondays at Newtown beginning on July 12. Meets via Zoom on Wednesdays from 8:30am to 12:20pm beginning July 7. | Hybrid (Face-To-Face + Zoom) | Newtown Campus July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Giardine JFaculty Syllabus |
| Canvas And Zoom |
| Rubin AFaculty Syllabus |
COMP-110English Composition I
3 Credits
English Composition I emphasizes the systematic study of writing effective expository prose and argumentation, stressing development and support of a clear thesis. The focus of the course is to lay the foundation for future academic writing requirements, including the ability to analyze, synthesize, evaluate, summarize, paraphrase, and cite textual sources from required course readings.
- Prerequisites
- Writing Placement Test score of 6 or COMP107 (C or better) or COMP108 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Kandl CFaculty Syllabus |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Venditto DFaculty Syllabus |
Meets weekly on Mondays at Newtown | Hybrid (Face-To-Face + Zoom) | Newtown Campus July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Sass-Germain LFaculty Syllabus |
| Canvas And Zoom |
| Rubin AFaculty Syllabus |
COMP-111English Composition II
3 Credits
In this continuation of English Composition I, students write several analytical essays assigned in conjunction with classroom study of a range of readings, including literature and critical analysis, that may center around a course theme. After sequenced instruction in research techniques, students write an argumentative and scholarly research paper.
- Prerequisites
- COMP110 (C or better) or Permission of the Department of Language and Literature
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Venditto DFaculty Syllabus |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Kandl CFaculty Syllabus |
| Canvas And Zoom |
| Venditto DFaculty Syllabus |
COMP-114Technical Writing
3 Credits
This course is designed for students majoring in technical, pre-engineering, and scientific fields. Assignments reflect actual technical writing tasks, with a focus on subject, purpose, and audience. The class examines traditional linear documents (instruction manuals, proposals) and those in an on-line format. Students learn to incorporate electronic formatting into technical documents.
- Prerequisites
- COMP110 (C or better) or Writing Placement Test score of 9 or permission of the Department of Language and Literature
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Malloy MFaculty Syllabus |
No Textbook Purchase Required | Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Payne SFaculty Syllabus |
Computer Information Science
CISC-100Digital Literacy
3 Credits
A hands-on course for non-majors dealing with personal computers in a wide variety of settings. Topics include: basic computer concepts, computer hardware, operating systems, the Internet, online safety and security, email, computer applications including word processors, spreadsheets, presentation graphics, databases, and the impact of computers on society.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Zoom |
| McLaughlin MFaculty Syllabus |
CISC-110Introduction to Information Systems
3 Credits
This course provides an overview of business information systems. Topics include hardware and software fundamentals, use of software packages, effective use of networks, Internet, and other communication tools, the design of management information systems, as well as the ethical use of computers in business and society. Hands-on experience is provided.
- Prerequisites
- Reading Placement test score Level 3 or READ110 (C or better) or COMP108 (C or better) or permission of the Department of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
- Additional Fees
- View current fees
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
This course is taught 12% online | Canvas And Zoom |
| P. ProcesFaculty Syllabus |
CISC-122Computer Science II
4 Credits
This course is a continuation of Computer Science I and emphasis is placed on structured and object-oriented programming techniques. Topics include file I/O, lists, stacks, recursion, sorting, searching, strings, and their application in problem solving.
- Prerequisites
- CISC115 - Java based (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
This course is taught 12% online | Canvas And Zoom |
| Miller SFaculty Syllabus |
Criminal Justice
CRIJ-120Criminal Evidence
3 Credits
This course introduces students to the laws of evidence at the operational level of law enforcement officers and other criminal justice professionals. The major topics of study include the federal rules of evidence, arrest, force, search, and seizure.
- Prerequisites
- CRIJ100 or
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Jakub SFaculty Syllabus |
CRIJ-130Criminal Investigation/Forensics
3 Credits
This course introduces students to the fundamentals of criminal investigations, rules of evidence, sources of information, observations, descriptions, and identifications. The major areas of focus include collection techniques, preservation techniques, technological aids in investigating, and the processing of physical evidence, records, reports, and statements by police investigators.
- Prerequisites
- CRIJ100 or
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Jakub SFaculty Syllabus |
ECON-111Principles of Economics - Macro
3 Credits
An introduction to the basic principles of economics, with emphasis upon macroeconomic theory and analysis. Among topics considered are the scope and nature of economics, ideology and structure of the American economy, national income and employment theory, business fluctuations, money and banking, fiscal and monetary policies, and economic growth.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Cocca SFaculty Syllabus |
ECON-112Principles of Economics - Micro
3 Credits
Students study basic economic principles with particular emphasis upon microeconomic theory and problems. Among topics considered are the economics of the firm, the price system and resource allocation, the distribution of income, domestic economic problems, international trade, economic development, and comparative economic systems.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Cocca SFaculty Syllabus |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Beem CFaculty Syllabus |
FREN-111Elementary French II
3 Credits
In this interactive course, which continues the work of FREN110, students acquire a working knowledge of French necessary to accomplish basic tasks. This course emphasizes comprehension and practice in pronunciation and conversation, as well as listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in an authentic French cultural context.
- Prerequisites
- FREN110 (C or better) or equivalent or permission of the Department of Language & Literature
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | R. AttabFaculty Syllabus |
FREN-201Intermediate French I
3 Credits
This course reviews basic essentials of vocabulary and grammatical constructions and presents some constructions not studied in the Elementary French sequence. The course also provides material for a solid foundation in conversation and composition and continues to place emphasis on knowledge and appreciation of the culture of French-speaking countries.
- Prerequisites
- FREN111 (C or better) or equivalent or permission of the Department of Language & Literature
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | R. AttabFaculty Syllabus |
GRMN-111Elementary German II
3 Credits
This interactive course continues the work of GRMN110; students continue to acquire a basic knowledge of understanding, speaking, reading, and writing German and it continues to stress oral proficiency, listening, comprehension, and grammatical accuracy. German cultural background accompanies each chapter.
- Prerequisites
- GRMN110 (C or better) or equivalent or permission of the Department of Language & Literature
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | C. PullionFaculty Syllabus |
Health Education
HLTH-103Life and Health
3 Credits
This course is an introduction to perplexing personal and social health problems in contemporary society, providing opinions, data, and facts that help the student investigate these problems. A synthesis of knowledge is presented from a variety of disciplines, such as medicine, psychology, physiology, sociology, sexology, and child development.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Sullivan LFaculty Syllabus |
3 Credits
This course is an introduction to nutrition as a health science that examines the nutrients essential to human life. The metabolic action, requirements, and nutrient food sources are studied along with application of entrepreneurial skills. Needs and behavior patterns in children and adults are used to illustrate the relationship between diet and health.
- Prerequisites
- Reading Placement Test score Level 3 or higher or READ110 (C or better) or COMP108 (C or better) or
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Bradshaw SFaculty Syllabus |
HLTH-120NNutrition with a Registered Dietitian
3 Credits
This course is an introduction to nutrition as a health science that examines the nutrients essential to human life. The metabolic action, requirements, and food sources of the nutrients are studied along with application of entrepreneurial skills. Needs and behavior patterns in children and adults are used to illustrate the relationship between diet and health.
- Prerequisites
- Reading Placement Test score Level 3 or higher or READ110 (C or better) or COMP108 (C or better) or
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | F. PorrazzaFaculty Syllabus |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | H. LockhoffFaculty Syllabus |
History/Historic Preservation
HIST-139World War II
3 Credits
This course is a survey of the Second World War. Major topics include the roots and causes of the war, diplomacy, the major campaigns and battles, and the home-fronts of the major participants.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Sutton MFaculty Syllabus |
HIST-151U.S. History: Young America
3 Credits
This course explores U.S. history from European colonization until the end of the Civil War. Students critically examine the social, cultural, economic, and political dynamics of America's agrarian age.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
No Textbook Purchase Required | Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Totten JFaculty Syllabus |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Millevoi JFaculty Syllabus |
HIST-152U.S. History: Modern America
3 Credits
Students explore America's transformation into an industrial and global power since the Reconstruction era. Topics critically examined include: immigration, modernization, struggles for race, class, gender, and sexual equality, nationalism, world war, and broad social, economic, and cultural change.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
No Textbook Purchase Required | Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Totten JFaculty Syllabus |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Millevoi JFaculty Syllabus |
HIST-190African-American History
3 Credits
This course is a study of the history of African-Americans from their origins in Africa to the present. Students examine the social, political, legal, and economic history of the African-American community. Major topics include the impact of slavery, military service, and the Civil Rights Movement and Black Power Movement.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
No Textbook Purchase Required | Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Gross SFaculty Syllabus |
HIST-203Historic Preservation Internship
3 Credits
The Internship for Historic Preservation provides students with practical training in the field. Students apply historic preservation skills to a selected preservation project. Students work directly under the supervision of a Historic Preservation Professional to develop the project plan and execution.
- Prerequisites
- 18 credits of completed coursework in Historic Preservation (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | M. RatiniFaculty Syllabus |
HIST-210Topics in Historic Preservation
3 Credits
This course introduces students to various emerging issues in historic preservation. Topics vary by semester and include developing areas of historic preservation and/or areas of historic preservation which are subject to frequent reinterpretation.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
Topic: Route 66 & Commercial Archaeology | Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Hirsch MFaculty Syllabus |
HUMN-112Medieval and Renaissance Worlds: Culture and Ideas
3 Credits
This course is a historical survey of the art, literature, music, philosophy, technology, science, and religion of human civilizations from the dissolution of the Roman Empire to the Late Renaissance (300-1550 C.E.). Students explore the major themes and ideas at the heart of the Western cultural tradition.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Fast JFaculty Syllabus |
HUMN-120Survey of World Religions
3 Credits
This course is a study of the historical development of world religion from pre-civilization to the development of the major religions of India (Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and Sikhism), the Far East (Taoism, Confucianism, and Shintoism), and the Near East (Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam).
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Shah MFaculty Syllabus |
Independent Study
INDP-290Independent Study
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Sedik DFaculty Syllabus |
ITAL-110Elementary Italian I
3 Credits
In this course students learn the basics of understanding, speaking, reading, and writing Italian. Instruction stresses oral proficiency, correct pronunciation, listening comprehension, and grammatical accuracy, as well as the cultural and historical backgrounds of the Italian-speaking countries.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Rusnak MFaculty Syllabus |
ITAL-111Elementary Italian II
3 Credits
In this interactive course students continue the work of ITAL111; students acquire a further working knowledge of Italian necessary to accomplish basic tasks. Instruction continues to emphasize comprehension and more practice in pronunciation and conversation and addresses listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills within an authentic Italian cultural context.
- Prerequisites
- ITAL110 (C or better) or equivalent or permission of the Department of Language & Literature
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Bandurski KFaculty Syllabus |
JPNS-102Elementary Japanese II
3 Credits
In this continuation of study from JPNS101, students further develop the basics of listening, speaking, understanding, reading, and writing using the <em>Hiragana</em> and <em>Katakana</em> writing system, and study basic communication. The course continues to present Japanese historical and cultural backgrounds.
- Prerequisites
- JPNS101 (C or better) or equivalent or permission of the Department of Language & Literature
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Zoom |
| Gallagher MFaculty Syllabus |
2 Credits
This course is designed to enable any student to learn the leisure time sport of tennis and to enhance and enrich his/her leisure experience. This course will also help the student improve his organic, social, and mental wellness.
- Additional Fees
- View current fees
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Face-To-Face | Newtown Campus July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Bradshaw SFaculty Syllabus |
2 Credits
This course is designed to introduce the student to the fundamental philosophies, skills, techniques, and terms of Hatha Yoga. Emphasis is placed on how to correctly practice yoga and how to incorporate it into student daily habits. This course will also teach valid concepts of nutrition and exercise physiology.
- Additional Fees
- View current fees
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Zoom |
| Greenfield DFaculty Syllabus |
| Zoom |
| Greenfield DFaculty Syllabus |
2 Credits
This course is designed to give the student a fundamental background in the skills, techniques, and rule interpretation of archery. Students will learn proper care of equipment, safety, and rules for tournament play. Basic principles of physiology of exercise and proper nutrition will be presented.
- Additional Fees
- View current fees
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Face-To-Face | Newtown Campus July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Coyne SFaculty Syllabus |
KINS-170Individual Fitness and Wellness
2 Credits
This course is designed to guide the student to develop a personal fitness program utilizing concepts of muscle physiology and nutrition. Each student will be evaluated and an individual exercise and nutrition program will be recommended.
- Additional Fees
- View current fees
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Face-To-Face | Newtown Campus July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Bradshaw SFaculty Syllabus |
| Face-To-Face | Newtown Campus July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | F. PorrazzaFaculty Syllabus |
LAWS-225Legal Research and Writing II
3 Credits
This course emphasizes the systematic study of electronic legal research and critical analysis of legal issues, location, and evaluation of appropriate legal authority and application of such authority to the resolution of hypothetical factual situations. Students learn how to prepare persuasive presentations in acceptable legal format.
- Prerequisites
- LAWS100 (C or better) AND LAWS220 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Costello HFaculty Syllabus |
LAWS-295Special Topics in Law
3 Credits
This special topics course provides an introduction to various emerging legal issues. Topics vary by semester, and include developing areas of law and/or areas of law which are subject of frequent re-interpretation. This course is designed to enhance students' written communication skills through various writing exercises.
- Prerequisites
- LAWS100 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Simcox C, Seibert, B, Costello HFaculty Syllabus |
LITR-231American Literature to 1865
3 Credits
This course surveys the development of American Literature from the Colonial beginning to Whitman, emphasizing a thorough acquaintance with the work of significant writers of the period, including women and minorities, in their historical and cultural context.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Diamond JFaculty Syllabus |
MGMT-100Introduction to Business
3 Credits
This course examines the social, legal, ethical, economic and political interactions of business and society in the United States and internationally. Business and non-business majors learn about the relationship and impact of business to society in which they are citizens, consumers, and producers.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Imber BFaculty Syllabus |
MGMT-110Small Business Management
3 Credits
This course reviews considerations in establishing and managing a small business venture in today's complex business environment. It promotes application of the entrepreneurial mindset to issues of management, operations and control. Also reviewed are legal forms of ownership, financial planning and resources, ethical issues, and the importance of social responsibility.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
No textbook purchase is required | Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Imber BFaculty Syllabus |
MGMT-122Introduction to Business Analytics
3 Credits
<p>This course is an introduction to business analytics including the fundamental concepts and tools needed to understand how organizations can make better-informed business decisions. Topics include various industries using data analysis and related professional roles. Emphasis is placed on applications, concepts, and the interpretations and communication of results.</p>
- Prerequisites
- MGMT100 or
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
Uses Canvas. No textbook purchase is required. | Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Sell KFaculty Syllabus |
MGMT-130Business Law
3 Credits
This course examines the fundamentals of Business Law, the legal process and environment within which individuals and business operate, and the relationship of law, business, and the individual. Topics include the basic elements of a contract, the Uniform Commercial Code, and provision on sales and negotiable instruments.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Simcox CFaculty Syllabus |
MGMT-135Business Communication
3 Credits
The strategies and techniques of writing letters, memos, and reports are emphasized. Students will develop and refine these skills through assignments that include positive letters, negative letters, and other types of business messages. An analytical business report is assigned to apply principles for writing a business research report.
- Prerequisites
- Writing Placement score of 6 or better or COMP107 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
Uses Canvas. No textbook purchase is required. | Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Luce GFaculty Syllabus |
MGMT-160Insurance and Risk Management
3 Credits
The course covers the risks that are faced by an individual or firm and the various methods for their treatment. Methods of treatment include, but are not limited to, insurance, loss prevention, suretyship, simple retention, and self-insurance. Topics include personal and business insurance.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Beem CFaculty Syllabus |
MGMT-180Legal Environment of Business
3 Credits
This course examines the various classifications of the law and the rights and responsibilities imposed on the business community by our legal system. It introduces students to the evolutionary process of the legal system and its impact on the individual, business environment, and upon society as a whole.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Seibert, BFaculty Syllabus |
MGMT-230Principles of Management
3 Credits
This course presents the principles, techniques, and concepts needed for managerial analysis and decision-making. It highlights the effective management of planning, organizing, influencing, and controlling related to the internal and external environment and issues of ethics and social responsibility. It emphasizes a variety of communication skills.
- Prerequisites
- MGMT100 (C or better) or MGMT110 (C or better) or Permission of the Department of Business, Innovation, and Legal Studies
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Beem CFaculty Syllabus |
3 Credits
This course evaluates selling as a component of the marketing mix. Students examine effective selling, steps in the selling process, and the application of entrepreneurial mindset to the selling process. Topics include an analysis of consumers, motivation and communications, handling objections, closing techniques, and the role of the salesperson.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
This course is only offered in the summer and may not be available again before Summer 2022 | Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Luce GFaculty Syllabus |
MKTG-215Principles of Marketing
3 Credits
This course examines the major elements in the marketing mix, including product planning, pricing, channel and logistics of dispersion, and promotion. It reviews consumer demand, as well as principles, functions, and the basic problems and opportunities that exist in the world of marketing.
- Prerequisites
- MGMT100 (C or better) or MGMT110 (C or better) or Permission of the Department of Business, Innovation, and Legal Studies.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
Uses Canvas. No textbook purchase is required. | Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Sell KFaculty Syllabus |
MKTG-220Digital Marketing
3 Credits
This course examines the basic principles and concepts underlying the use of digital information and communication technology by organizations and consumers. It reviews critical success factors and best practices central to the effectiveness of digital tools and social media.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
Uses Canvas. No textbook is required. | Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Imber BFaculty Syllabus |
3 Credits
This course provides preparation for study in algebra. Topics include a review of basic arithmetic skills, fractions, and decimals, an introduction to signed numbers, variables, equation solving, and data analysis. Transferability is determined by transfer institution.
- Prerequisites
- Math Placement Test score of 1
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Zoom |
| Pearl BFaculty Syllabus |
MATH-095Basic Algebra
3 Credits
This is an introductory course in Algebra. Topics include operations with numerical and algebraic expressions, solving linear and absolute value equations and inequalities; factoring polynomials, solving quadratic equations, and graphing linear equations and inequalities. Study skills are also emphasized. Transferability is determined by transfer institution.
- Prerequisites
- Math Placement Test score of 3 or MATH090 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Howe MFaculty Syllabus |
| Zoom |
| S. Tesla-BerryFaculty Syllabus |
MATH-101Mathematical Concepts I
3 Credits
This course is primarily for liberal arts and education majors, and emphasizes mathematical systems and reasoning. Course content includes sets, symbolic logic, and elementary probability and such optional topics as basic statistics, game theory, or linear programming.
- Prerequisites
- Math Placement Test score of 5 or higher or MATH095 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Termine JFaculty Syllabus |
MATH-103Intermediate Algebra
3 Credits
This course provides a preparation for more advanced study in mathematics and related fields. Topics include simplifying algebraic, rational, and radical expressions; solving quadratic, rational, radical, absolute value, exponential, and logarithmic equations; solving compound and absolute value inequalities, and graphing functions.
- Prerequisites
- Math Placement Test score of 5 or MATH095 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Wiley KFaculty Syllabus |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | S. TorpeyFaculty Syllabus |
| Zoom |
| J. BottomFaculty Syllabus |
MATH-105Mathematics for Educators II
3 Credits
This course provides a continuation of the mathematics preparation for students interested in elementary education. Topics include graphs, functions, probability, statistics, measurement, and geometry.
- Prerequisites
- MATH102 (C or better) or Permission of the Department of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Wallace JFaculty Syllabus |
MATH-115Elementary Statistics
3 Credits
This course is primarily for business, science, liberal arts, and education majors. Topics studied include descriptive measures for empirical data, theory of probability, probability distributions, sampling distributions of statistics from large and small samples, estimation theory, hypothesis testing, correlation, and regression.
- Prerequisites
- Math Placement Test score of 7 or higher or MATH101 (C or better) or MATH103 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Wiley KFaculty Syllabus |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Bolton MFaculty Syllabus |
| Zoom |
| L. SoraceFaculty Syllabus |
MATH-117Finite Mathematics for Business
3 Credits
This is primarily for students of accounting, business, economics, management, data processing, technologies, and related fields. Topics include linear and quadratic models, matrix theory, linear systems and linear programming, probability, and expected value.
- Prerequisites
- Math Placement Test score of 7 or higher or MATH103 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Termine JFaculty Syllabus |
MATH-118Business Calculus
3 Credits
This is an introduction to basic calculus with emphasis on applications to business, economics, management, information science, and related fields. Topics include relations and functions, limits, continuity, derivatives, techniques of differentiation, chain rule, applications of differentiation, antiderivatives, the definite integral, the fundamental theorem of calculus, and applications of integration.
- Prerequisites
- Math Placement Test score of 8 or higher or MATH117 (C or better) or MATH120 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Zoom |
| L. D'AlessandroFaculty Syllabus |
MATH-120College Algebra
4 Credits
This course is designed to strengthen and increase the understanding of basic algebraic concepts before a student undertakes advanced study in mathematics. Topics include algebra of the real numbers, algebraic, exponential, and logarithmic functions and their graphs, systems of equations, inequalities, and absolute value.
- Prerequisites
- Math Placement Test score of 7 or higher or MATH103 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Ciccimaro JFaculty Syllabus |
MATH-122Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry
3 Credits
Topics in this course include right triangle trigonometry, trigonometric functions and their inverses, identities, equations, solutions of oblique triangles, complex numbers, and analytic geometry.
- Prerequisites
- Math Placement Test score of 8 or higher or MATH120 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Zoom |
| Reitz AFaculty Syllabus |
MATH-140Calculus I
4 Credits
This is the first course in the calculus sequence for physical science, business, computer science, mathematics and engineering students. Topics include: limits, the rate of change of a function, derivatives of algebraic and trigonometric functions, applications of derivatives, integration, and applications of the definite integral.
- Prerequisites
- Math Placement Test score of 11 or MATH125 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
This course is taught 48.67% online | Canvas And Zoom |
| J. BeersFaculty Syllabus |
MATH-141Calculus II
4 Credits
This course is a continuation of Math 140. Topics include differentiation and integration of transcendental functions, indeterminate forms, methods of integration, improper integrals, infinite series, parametric equations, and polar coordinates.
- Prerequisites
- MATH140 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
This course is taught 48.67% online | Canvas And Zoom |
| J. BeersFaculty Syllabus |
Medical Laboratory
MDLB-101Introduction to Medical Laboratory Technician
3 Credits
This course introduces the medical laboratory technician student to the laboratory setting. Students gain an appreciation for the daily functions, safety regulations, and ethical standards of a professional laboratory technician. This course also includes hands-on laboratory experience in Phlebotomy, Urinalysis, and Analysis of Body Fluids.
- Prerequisites
- Admission to Medical Laboratory Technician Program
- Additional Fees
- View current fees
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Zoom |
| K. RomanFaculty Syllabus |
Music: Academic
MUSC-100Music Fundamentals
3 Credits
Music Fundamentals introduces basic musical concepts, develops rudimentary skills in musicianship, and functions as a precursor to the study of music theory and ear training.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
No textbook purchase required | Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Bresnen SFaculty Syllabus |
MUSC-101Introduction to Music
3 Credits
This course is a listening-based survey of Western art music from Gregorian chant to the present, including a study of basic acoustics and musical notation. Subject matter includes representative composers, their lives, times, and works, as well as musical instruments, styles, genres, and forms presented in an historical context.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Reed RFaculty Syllabus |
MUSC-106History of Jazz
3 Credits
This course surveys the development of jazz from its origins to the present time, investigates representative composers, and examines the musical characteristics, compositional practices, and instrumental/vocal techniques associated with ragtime, blues, bebop, swing, progressive, and other styles.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Hoffman MFaculty Syllabus |
3 Credits
A critical examination of the foundations of ethical theory; contributions of eminent philosophers of ethics are evaluated. The source material used consists of analytic studies from great religious thinkers and philosophers. Students learn to begin to formulate an intellectual basis for their own ethical behavior.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Shah MFaculty Syllabus |
PHIL-125Introduction to Philosophy
3 Credits
An investigation of the basic themes in philosophy from around the world. Topics include the nature of existence, knowledge, and values. Readings are drawn from both ancient and contemporary sources. Students develop the ability to apply philosophical theories to their lives.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Shah MFaculty Syllabus |
PHYS-107Physics B
4 Credits
This lecture and laboratory course is a continuation of PHYS106. It is a non-calculus study of the fundamental laws and properties of electricity, magnetism, geometrical, and physical optics. This course places emphasis on the mathematical solution of problems based on an understanding of the underlying physical phenomena.
- Prerequisites
- PHYS106 (C or better)
- Additional Fees
- View current fees
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Delahanty CFaculty Syllabus |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Delahanty FFaculty Syllabus |
PHYS-121Physics I
4 Credits
This lecture and laboratory course provides a rigorous introduction to classical physics designed specifically for engineering and science majors. Topics include: SI units, vector mathematics, kinematics, dynamics, work and energy, momentum, gravitation, rigid body dynamics, angular momentum, elastic properties of solids, fluid dynamics, vibrational dynamics, and mechanical waves.
- Prerequisites
- MATH140 (C or better)
- Additional Fees
- View current fees
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | L. GregaFaculty Syllabus |
PHYS-122Physics II
4 Credits
This lecture and laboratory course continues a rigorous introduction to classical physics designed specifically for engineering and science majors. Topics include: electric forces and fields, potential and potential energy, capacitors, direct current and transient circuits, magnetic forces and fields, electromagnetic induction, inductors, photons, geometric and physical optics.
- Prerequisites
- PHYS121 (C or better)
- Additional Fees
- View current fees
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | A. BurgerFaculty Syllabus |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | A. BurgerFaculty Syllabus |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Delahanty FFaculty Syllabus |
| Zoom |
| Galie TFaculty Syllabus |
PSYC-110Introduction to Psychology
3 Credits
Introduction to Psychology is the scientific study of the psychological factors which influence the behavior of individual organisms, both animal and human.
- Prerequisites
- Reading Placement Test score Level 3 or READ110 (C or better) or COMP108 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
No Textbook Purchase Required | Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Sedik DFaculty Syllabus |
Mix of Canvas and Zoom 8:30-9:45am Tuesday 83% of this course is taught online No Textbook Purchase Required | Canvas And Zoom |
| Kepler MFaculty Syllabus |
PSYC-120Human Sexuality
3 Credits
This course seeks to foster healthy attitudes toward sexuality by providing knowledge and having discussions about the formation of sexual attitudes and myths, the physiology of human sexual systems, psychological aspects of sex roles, love and human sexuality, sexual minorities, and the legal aspects of sexuality.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Giacomelli CFaculty Syllabus |
PSYC-160The Psychology of Addiction and Substance Abuse
3 Credits
This course analyzes the development, intervention, and treatment of drug abuse, alcoholism, and codependency. Family dysfunction and its results are examined, as well as specialized techniques in counseling. Various intervention strategies are discussed.
- Prerequisites
- PSYC100 (C or better) or PSYC110 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Goldblatt MFaculty Syllabus |
PSYC-181Developmental Psychology - Lifespan
3 Credits
This course describes the intellectual, emotional, social, and physiological development of the human being. Development will be studied from conception through adulthood and aging.
- Prerequisites
- PSYC110 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Ford CFaculty Syllabus |
PSYC-190Educational Psychology
3 Credits
This course surveys the nature of the learning process and application of the principles of psychology to the problems of learning and teaching. Individual differences, special problems of learning, and evaluation techniques are among the topics covered. Field experiences are provided to acquaint students with an authentic teaching-learning environment.
- Prerequisites
- PSYC110 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Letourneau TFaculty Syllabus |
READ-089Fast Track Reading
1 Credit
Through the use of an individualized, web-based learning system and instructor guided group instruction, this course develops the reading competencies required for academic success. Emphasis is on the development of basic reading comprehension skills and the application of these skills and other strategies for increased reading proficiency.
- Prerequisites
- Reading Placement Test score Level 1, or Reading Placement Test score Level 2, or AESL103 (C or better) or, permission of the Department of Language and Literature
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
Meets weekly on Mondays at Newtown beginning on July 12. Meets via Zoom on Wednesdays from 12:30pm to 1:35pm beginning July 7. | Hybrid (Face-To-Face + Zoom) | Newtown Campus July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | M. PiersonFaculty Syllabus |
READ-090Introduction to College Reading
3 Credits
This introductory course develops students’ ability to apply, monitor and adjust a variety of reading strategies for increased comprehension and metacognitive awareness. The focus of this course is to develop the reading competencies necessary for success in college level courses.
- Prerequisites
- Reading Placement test score Level 1, or AESL 103 (C or better), or permission of the Department of Language and Literature
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
Meets weekly on Mondays at Newtown beginning on July 12. Meets via Zoom on Wednesdays from 12:30pm to 1:40pm beginning July 7. | Hybrid (Face-To-Face + Zoom) | Newtown Campus July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | A. EubankFaculty Syllabus |
Real Estate
REAL-102Real Estate Practice and Liability
3 Credits
This course is designed to provide students with an overview of real estate license law/rules, legal liability, and risk reduction in Pennsylvania. Specific topics include negligence, fraud, and government rules/laws. Students learn key areas of potential liability, avoiding liability, and how to identify/understand the role of government/laws.
- Prerequisites
- REAL101 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Costello HFaculty Syllabus |
Science: General
3 Credits
Astronomy provides a survey of our knowledge of the structure, formation, and evolution of Earth, the solar system, the stars, and the galaxies. The course focuses on the logical development of ideas and concepts within the framework of science.
- Prerequisites
- Reading Placement Test score Level 3 or READ110 (C or better) or COMP108 (C or better); and Math Placement Test score of 5 or higher or MATH095 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
No textbook purchase is required | Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Ramacciotti CFaculty Syllabus |
SOCI-110Introduction to Sociology
3 Credits
This course is an introduction to the basic concepts in the field of sociology, with emphasis upon the application of these concepts to the understanding of American institutions: politics, economics, religion, education, marriage, and the family.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Probst MFaculty Syllabus |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Niclaus EFaculty Syllabus |
Mix of Canvas and Zoom 9:00-11:55am Wednesday 53 % of this class is taught online | Canvas And Zoom |
| Platts KFaculty Syllabus |
SOCI-120Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
3 Credits
This course explores human culture worldwide, including cultural elements and systems, diversity and cross-cultural interactions, and cultural change. It covers concepts essential to the discipline of cultural anthropology, such as holism, fieldwork, and environmental adaptation. Course topics include worldview, domestic groups, kinship, gender, power structures, economics, religion, and artistic expression.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Niclaus EFaculty Syllabus |
SOCI-140Peoples of America
3 Credits
This course explores systems of oppression and liberation related to racial and ethnic minorities, immigrants, gender outlaws, sexual minorities, and other marginalized groups in U.S. society. Attention is on past and present status of these groups as it relates to an understanding of intergroup dynamics in today's society.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Probst MFaculty Syllabus |
3 Credits
The sociological relationships involved in the causes and prevention of crime and juvenile delinquency and in the treatment of criminal offenders.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Jakub SFaculty Syllabus |
SPAN-110Elementary Spanish I
3 Credits
This is an interactive course in which students acquire a basic knowledge of understanding, speaking, reading, and writing Spanish. Oral proficiency, listening, comprehension, and grammatical accuracy are all stressed. Cultural background accompanies each chapter.
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Toro AFaculty Syllabus |
SPAN-111Elementary Spanish II
3 Credits
This interactive course builds on the instruction from SPAN110; students continue to acquire a basic knowledge of understanding, speaking, reading, and writing Spanish. Oral proficiency, listening, comprehension, and grammatical accuracy are all stressed. Cultural background accompanies each chapter.
- Prerequisites
- SPAN110 (C or better) or equivalent or permission of the Department of Language and Literature
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Toro AFaculty Syllabus |
SPAN-202Intermediate Spanish II
3 Credits
A continuation of SPAN201, this course reviews more basic essentials of vocabulary and grammatical constructions and presents constructions not yet studied. The course provides additional material for a solid foundation in conversation and composition. Emphasis continues to be placed on knowledge and appreciation of the cultural backgrounds of Spanish-speaking countries.
- Prerequisites
- SPAN201 (C or better) or equivalent or permission of the Department of Language and Literature
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Canvas And Zoom |
| Toro AFaculty Syllabus |
Visual Arts/Fine Arts
VAFA-100Drawing I
3 Credits
This is an introduction to the concepts and techniques of drawing. The course stresses disciplined draftsmanship. Students analyze the structure and appearance of natural forms. Relying on their perception, observation, and memory, they apply basic drawing skills. Black and white media are utilized to explore space, value, and volume.
- Additional Fees
- View current fees
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
The listed Zoom class times account for 91% of the course. The remaining course work is done through Canvas. | Canvas And Zoom |
| Sivilli VFaculty Syllabus |
VAFA-192Art History After 1450
3 Credits
This survey course covers painting, sculpture, and/or architecture from the Renaissance through Impressionism. Students gain a formal understanding of Western art by major artists of the fifteenth through nineteenth centuries. They interpret selected examples of art using a variety of analytic methodologies, including cultural, religious, social, political, and/or economic context.
- Prerequisites
- Writing Placement Test score of 6 or COMP107 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Swan LFaculty Syllabus |
VAFA-193History of Modern Art
3 Credits
This survey course covers painting, sculpture, and/or architecture from the late-nineteenth century up to the present. Students gain a formal understanding of major twentieth-century stylistic movements. They interpret selected examples of Modern art using a variety of analytic methodologies, including cultural, religious, social, political, and/or economic context.
- Prerequisites
- Writing Placement Test score of 6 or COMP107 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Gabriele RFaculty Syllabus |
Visual Arts/Multi-Media
VAMM-100Digital Imaging
3 Credits
This studio course presents in-depth techniques for image creation and manipulation using current software applications. Students explore peripherals, file formats, resolution requirements, media storage, and digital photo processing. Emphasis is on image-making methods used to create raster and vector graphics for print and the web.
- Additional Fees
- View current fees
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Corsino RFaculty Syllabus |
VAMM-110Web and Interactive Design
3 Credits
This course is an introduction to the HTML coding and techniques used to create websites. Students learn to design and develop interactive websites using both editors and hand coding skills. Project management and design skills are introduced. The semester culminates in the development of a website.
- Additional Fees
- View current fees
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | Konkel JFaculty Syllabus |
Visual Arts/Photography(VAPH)
VAPH-110Digital Photography Fundamentals (formerly VAFA110)
3 Credits
Students are introduced to digital-based photographic imagery. The course examines the potential inherent in the methods, techniques, and applications of digital photography as a means of personal expression. Students produce a portfolio of images for presentation.
- Additional Fees
- View current fees
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | States CFaculty Syllabus |
Visual Arts: Cinema/Video
VACV-141The Art of Independent Cinema (formerly COMC141)
3 Credits
Students examine films made outside of the film industry, which fall into three genres -- experimental, documentary, and animated. Particular emphasis is given to form and technique and how they are used to express meaning. The course traces the development of alternative cinema from its beginnings to the present.
- Prerequisites
- Writing Placement Test score of 6 or COMP107 (C or better)
Section | Delivery | Dates / Times / Locations | Instructor |
| Online | July 07, 2021 - August 13, 2021 | H. YauFaculty Syllabus |