Dr. Aurora Hill
Part-Time Faculty, Psychology
A.A. Montgomery County Community College;B.A. Temple University; M.Ed. Temple University;Ph.D. Institute of Transpersonal Psychology (Sophia University);First Year at Bucks: 2001
Aurora Hill teaches at a variety of psychology courses at Bucks County Community College. She is an intellectual property specialist and director of the Trademark, Domain and Infringement Group (TDI) in the Office of the General Counsel at Educational Testing Service. In addition, she founded Heartstone(www.heartstonepub.com), a company that invites awareness of transpersonal, ecopsychology, Native American Indian, and feminine perspectives. Her teaching style integrates traditional and non-traditional approaches with a focus on experiential and mindfulness practices, guided journaling and the works of Angeles Arrien.
Dr. Hill has authored numerous works such as A Woman's Moon-Time Journal, The AnimalTeacher Journal for Children and The Secret of Freedom: A Family's Unfinished Business. Her doctoral dissertation was entitled: Joy Revisited: The Experience of JOY through the Women of One Native American Indian Community.
Her current research interests include the intuitive inquiry research method, innovative teaching, somatic recognition practices and positive experiences such as joy and creativity.